How to get to Eleven Pearl Boutique Hotel & Spa
Here is some information and advice from customers’ experiences to help you plan your visit. In any case, Eleven Pearl Boutique Hotel & Spa is not responsible since some of the information changes periodically… So please, double-check the information with the relevant websites before your departure 🙂
Eleven Pearl Boutique Hôtel & Spa is located in Diani a little more than 1 hour from Mombasa Airport or 10 minutes only from Ukunda Airport.
If you arrive at Nairobi Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA), the best way to come is to take a flight to Ukunda Airport.
For example, Jambojet, belonging to Kenya Airlines, offers flights to Ukunda. Here are instructions given by Jambojet. If you have any problems with their website to reserve :
“Go on If you have an error with visa payment, please reach out to us ( as soon as the card is rejected: we’ll send you a payment link”
If no flight to Ukunda is suitable for you, you should take a flight to Mombasa.

The domestic airport is in front of the international airport, you just have to cross the parking
If you need to take some cash immediately, after exiting the international airport, turn right, you will see an ATM retrieve cash with your credit card.
If you have to wait for your plane, you can go a little further, turn right and you will have a bar-restaurant Paul Caffe, with a small terrace.
You can also find flights to Ukunda from Wilson Airport, 16km from JKIA, but you will have to take a taxi, and because of possible traffic jams, we don’t suggest it (we did it once, and hopefully there were no traffic jams…)
Another way, a little longer, is to reach Nairobi Train Station by taxi and take a train to Mombasa. The coaches are comfortable, with air conditioning and you will cross beautiful landscapes, in particular Tsavo East National Park.
You can reserve on
Do it early because trains are often complete.
To come to Kenya, you will need an eVisa or ETA. It’s quite simple.
Visit to apply for your eta, payment has to be paid online.
You will need these files in jpg format:

Passport – Front Page

Passport – Bio Data Page

Confirmation of Reservation from the hotel

Photo ID
Locally, if you have a health problem, Diani Beach Hospital is a modern hospital, only 10 minutes from Eleven Pearl Hotel.

The local currency is the Kenyan Shilling (KES).
If you have to pay an account by transfer for the reservation, we advise you to do it through an online bank like Revolut which don’t invoice any fees (except the weekend :-))
The hotel and most of the restaurant nearby accept Visa Card or Master Card.
Locally, you can change dollars or euros.
And don’t forget to check the credit limit of your card.
Have a good stay!